A study of direct strategies of speaking learning used

(1) * Saidin Saidin Mail (Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 12 Batam, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


The objectives of this study are 1). to describe the types of direct strategies of speaking learning used by eleventh grade of SMAN 12 Batam, and 2) to describe the implication of direct strategies  being applied toward the students’ speaking skill. The descriptive qualitative research method was employed. The Subject was the eleventh grade students of SMAN 12 Batam as the participants. The total was 217 students and the sample was the class XI.IPS-1. This class was occupied by 36 student; 18 males and 18 females. The results showed that the students used 11 out of 13 types of direct strategies in developing their speaking skill, and direct strategies of speaking learning bring several positive effects toward students speaking skills.


direct strategies; learning; speaking




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10.33292/jalintrali.v1i1.56 Abstract views : 252 | PDF views : 144




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